The target is quite high: Klaus Pöttinger, owner of the “One World Group” from Grieskirchen in Upper Austria, intends to save one million tons of climate-damaging CO2 by combining numerous measures. He has already reached the 200,000-tons mark after just two years. It is a vision that could catch on.
There are three pillars to the plan which the entrepreneur Klaus Pöttinger intends to use to mitigate ever-increasing CO2 emissions by one million tons: Firstly, through the climate-neutral recycling of organic residues in an innovative fermentation system; secondly, through the application of high-compression press containers that reduce waste disposal transport in an eco-friendly man- ner; and, thirdly, through targeted reforestation measures, which also have a positive effect on the CO2 balance.
1. Climate-neutral recycling of organic residues
The first and most important measure for cutting CO2 is the climate-neutral production of biogas and met- hane. To do so, organic residues, such as biological waste, public green waste or animal manure, is converted into high-quality raw compost in an innovative closed fermentation system. During this process, fully CO2 neutral methane is produced, which can be processed into biogas of natural gas quality, be converted into green electricity and heat or used to power vehicles as biofuel through compres- sion or liquefaction. With the PÖTTINGER fermenter, the focus is firmly on environmentally sustainable recycling instead of the climate-damaging and ethically questionable exploitation of natural resources. And the system’s level of performance is mighty impressive: Even the smallest version allows users to save up to 300 tons of carbon dioxide annually.
2. Eco-friendly and effective compacting of waste
The second measure for cutting CO2 is also based on a technical approach. By using PÖTTINGER press containers, produced waste can be highly compres- sed and significantly reduced in volume prior to its removal. This not only has a positive effect on disposal costs but also on the ecological footprint; since the more waste each truck can carry, the less fuel is used and the lower the CO2 emissions.
3. Effective reforestation
The third measure is as simple as it is effective: Reforestation. Especially on degraded areas, increased tree and forest growth is an essential measure for a good CO2 balance. Trees incorporate CO2 into their biomass through photosynthesis and release oxygen into the environment. In addition, targeted planting can also help to improve soil quality, stop erosion and preserve habitats.
„One World“: The vision is alive
In the autumn of 2016, Klaus Pöttinger presented his vision of saving one million tonnes of CO2 from our atmosphere in just ten years. And he put his words into action:
A first projection after two years shows: 210, 233 tons of CO2 have already been saved; in other words, more than 20% of the target has been achieved.
And it can be assumed that the potential savings will continue to increase, as the relevance of the PÖTTINGER fermenter systems continues to grow. “The campaign obviously also serves as a sort of role model,” explains Klaus Pöttinger. “I want to show that relatively simple measures can drastically reduce the ecological footprint of many stakeholders – farmers or local authorities, for example.”